Cover Page

Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Ciencias del Lenguaje Introduction to Linguistics Cibrian García Debanhi Carla Paola 1740760                Mtra. Nicolasa Barbosa Reyna Núñez Rivera Maria de Lourdes 1800296 Ortiz Lumbreras Cielo Alejandra 1794079 Romero López Odalys Magdalena 1735267

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      This research contains a comprehensive study of the inclusive language and tries to compare this phenomenon on both Spanish and English. Since the inclusive language has gained a lot of media attention and caused discussion in the field of scholarly linguistics, it has become a touchy but interesting topic to address. The […]

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Introduction and hypothesis

      This research studies the phenomenon of inclusive language in English and Spanish so that the differences the linguistic nature of both were analyzed. As a matter of fact, the topic of inclusive language does not only include changes to grammar. It also encompasses a very interesting social movement that involves the evolution […]

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Literature review-Linguistics

Linguistics       Eckert and McConnell (2003) state that the field of linguistics oversees the study of language itself, which is a communicative practice mediated by a concrete system. This system, just like our society, is never static because it goes through many changes and evolutions. Therefore, it is necessary to study this phenomenon […]

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The inclusive language

Inclusive language in English.       As Paulina M. Coffman (1991) states, the movement of inclusive language has been defined as the innovations proposed in order to avoid making exclusions to any group in verbal speech or writing. There have been some easy transitions or changes, like the use of ‘humans’ instead of ‘men’ […]

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The Non-binary community

      As read in the article published by the National Center for Transgender Equality (2016), established in Washington, D.C., the non-binary as a community are a group that recently have become noticed by the media since an increasing number of people have chosen to show their identities in an open and public way. […]

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      The method used to complete the research were physical surveys, which consisted of seven questions related to the topic of linguistics, gender and the non-binary pronouns in english and spanish. The population consisted of a hundred students of the UANL of any age and gender, the only condition was that they had […]

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      The proposed hypothesis was proven accepted due to the fact that a majority of the students answered that the existence a non-binary pronoun in Spanish language is not possible. Their answer was negative due to their consideration to the established rules of grammar and the characteristics of Spanish. One of those rules […]

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Arnarsdóttir, E. (2012). The Importance of Being Bilingual: The effects of bilingualism on cognitive development and the role of language valorization. Retrieved from: Blanco, J. (2007). Bilingüismo: lengua materna ante la globalización. Education and Learning Research Journal 1(1), 39-48. Retrieved from Dialnet.   Centenera, F. (2013, december). Innovación en el lenguaje político con palabras […]

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